Our Sony Backup Cam Monitor is sick, but Tim at RVcams.com to the rescue [Page 2]
If you landed here first, please go to page one of the project
Progress continues...
More pictures on this page, description at the bottom of the pix. We left off on page 1 having a peek at the
insides of the old Sony monitor....
"A bit" turned into quite "a bit", more than I expected! See the next pix
Here's the 'damage' performed to the opening. A Dremel rotary type tool with a cut-off disc worked well, use a file to trim
to exact size. You will most likely need to bend the old Sony side mounting plate out some
Yikes! Not finished yet, I had to trim the bezel or trim ring (next pix)
Mr. file worked well for this
Jumping ahead a little, this is the final look at the monitor mounting
Here's the wiring you need to change from the Sony to the Voyager. Don't clip the Sony white/green/black power
wires right at the back of the Sony plug - leave plenty of wire on the plug in case your old monitor can be fixed
(at this point, Tim hasn't found anybody that will repair these monitors and there are no schematics or service
manual available.)
NOTE: there is a blade fuse on the red wire of the Voyager wiring harness! If your monitor
doesn't power up, check the fuse
Here's a happy monitor and camera, it works! Push on the trim ring and call it good!
Time for some geek bling!
My amateur radio gear straight ahead, test equipment on the right. Ham gear - Elecraft K3S, Panadapter, SP3,
Kenwood TS590S, TS-520, TS-830, Acom 1000 1KW amplifier
HP 54542A 500 Mhz scope, Schlumberger Stabilock 4031 Communications Test set, Marconi 2030 1.35Ghz sig gen,
HP 34401A, 410C, 438A, 6612B (two of them), 53131A, 8640B, 33120A (two of them), EIP 545A 18Ghz counter'
Kikusui PLZ 150 Electronic Load, Siglent SDS1102CML
100 Mhz digital storage scope (DSO)
-------- end of project ----------