Jane and John's Ranch - live webcams

The current date and time at the ranch is: 01/25/25 23:28:46 CST

View out the front of the house    View of the water troughs and hay

      New Toshiba webcam for the deck                   Cam overlooking water tanks & hay


    Buckaroo's pen    Buckaroo's pen

    Buckaroo's pen - webcam is down                   Buckaroo's pen - refreshed every minute


    Looking to the NW from the pumphouse

    Looking to the NW from the eve of the
    pump house



Uploaded Still Picture Upload Frequency Last Upload Time Since Upload
Front of the house every two minutes 09/27/18 02:29:48 CDT 2312.9 days
Animal troughs infrequent 09/19/20 23:26:20 CDT 1589.0 days
Buck's stall every one minute 09/20/20 09:05:04 CDT 1588.6 days
Buck's pen --cam is down-- 09/27/18 02:29:49 CDT 2312.9 days
Pumphouse every 60 minutes 01/25/25 20:00:02 CST 3.5 hr